Što znači seen

Trenutno pregledavate Što znači seen
  • Vrijeme čitanja:2 min. čitanja
  • Posljednja izmjena objave:31 kolovoza, 2024


Seen is a term that originated from the English language. It is derived from the past participle of the verb ‘to see’.


Seen is a slang term commonly used in digital communication, especially in messaging applications and social media platforms. It refers to the action of acknowledging or viewing a message, post, or content without providing a direct response or interaction.


The term ‘seen’ gained popularity with the rise of instant messaging and social media. It is often accompanied by a timestamp or an indicator that indicates when the message was viewed. In many cases, ‘seen’ is displayed as a notification or status update to inform the sender that their message has been read or viewed by the recipient.


‘Seen’ has both positive and negative implications depending on the context and the relationship between the sender and receiver. On one hand, it can provide reassurance that the message has been received and acknowledged. On the other hand, it can create anxiety or frustration when the recipient fails to respond or engage in further conversation.

Social Dynamics

With the introduction of ‘seen’ feature in digital communication, it has significantly influenced social dynamics. It has altered the expectations and norms regarding response time and engagement. The pressure to respond promptly or the fear of being judged for not responding has become a common experience among users.


While ‘seen’ is a widely recognized term, different messaging platforms may use alternative phrases or icons to indicate message visibility. For instance, Facebook Messenger uses ‘Seen’ while WhatsApp uses double blue ticks. These variations in terminology and visual cues aim to provide a similar function of informing the sender that their message has been seen.


Seen is a term that has become an integral part of digital communication. It signifies the act of viewing or acknowledging a message without directly responding. This feature has transformed social dynamics and communication expectations in the digital age.

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