Što znači lužnato

Trenutno pregledavate Što znači lužnato
  • Vrijeme čitanja:2 min. čitanja
  • Posljednja izmjena objave:29 rujna, 2023


Lužnato is a Croatian word that comes from the root word ‘lužno’.


Lužnato is an adjective used to describe something that is alkaline or basic in nature. It is often used in chemistry to refer to substances with a high pH level. The opposite of lužnato is kiselo, which means acidic.


In everyday language, lužnato is not commonly used. It is mostly used in scientific or technical contexts, particularly in the field of chemistry. It is important to note that lužnato is not synonymous with the English word ‘alkaline’, although they share similar meanings.


Here are a few examples of how lužnato can be used in sentences:
– Ova tvar je lužnata i koristi se u proizvodnji sapuna. (This substance is alkaline and is used in soap production.)
– Lužnata otopina se koristi za neutralizaciju kiseline. (An alkaline solution is used to neutralize acid.)


Lužnato is a Croatian term used to describe something that is alkaline or basic in nature. Although not commonly used in everyday language, it is important in scientific and technical contexts, particularly in chemistry.

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